Record Banner Parade 4/7/12

Record Banner Parade in Kesh on 4th July 2012 
A total of 420 loyal banners from across the UK and Ireland were proudly displayed in the Co Fermanagh village of Kesh last night in a world record breaking attempt parade. The Brethren are hoping to have created the record for the largest number of banners ever seen on parade anywhere in the world. The novel idea was dreamed up by Orange men from Pettigo District and was organised to take place last night to mark both the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and the centenary of the signing of the Ulster Covenant.

District Secretary Gary Wilson said that organisers have been “overwhelmed” by the interest generated by the parade. “England, Scotland, the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland lodges have all registered to attend and at present we know of 350 banners and up to 40 bands coming on the night,” he said. “This has been a fantastic spectacle of music, colour and culture the likes of which has never been seen in recent times”. Mr Wilson stated that Guinness World Records Ltd have no registered record regarding the number of banners in one parade so brethren hoped to set an official precedent.

Edward Stevenson, Grand Master of the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland, was among those in attendance at last night’s event. “Banners are such an important expression of our culture. They are so colourful and each banner has its own history, unique to the lodge it represents,” he said.