Ballycastle 2023

In July 2023, Brethren from LOL 803 travelled to County Antrim’s north coast area once again, to participate in the Twelfth of July demonstrations.
We had received an invite from Moyarget Chosen Few L.O.L. 1196 to parade with them – this invite had come about as David and Alastair Ross from the Moyarget Lodge now live in the Cardiff area and Jordan Ross has joined L.O.L. 803.
So we were delighted to accept the invitation to parade with them in Moyarget and later at their main parade in Ballycastle.
An additional mention should be made of the wonderful history of Moyarget Chosen few L.O.L. 1196, as 2024 is their 200th Anniversary year, and they can trace their history right back to the early days of Orangeism within County Antrim….see the book below.
On the morning of the Twelfth we met at their Orange Hall for a Lodge meeting. It was indeed an honour for us as Brother Mullaney (our Past Master) was given the opportunity to conduct their election of Officers for the coming year. Our Secretary Brother Ian McFarland, also had the opportunity to present some of their Brothers with certificates for degrees travelled. Gifts were also exchanged between the Lodges as a token of fraternal Brotherhood.
The parade then left their hall accompanied by the excellent Silver Plains Flute Band and made it’s way to the local Presbyterian church, when we boarded buses to take us the short distance to the main event in Ballycastle.
In the assembly field we were treated to some fine lambeg drumming and met with some Ballintoy Brethren who we had walked with in previous years.
The main parade through the seaside town, was excellent and the route was lined with spectators. One particular highlight was passing the beautiful and well maintained War Memorial, a very fitting tribute to those from this area who had paid the supreme sacrifice.
The morning had featured light showers but the return parade was in glorious sunshine through the coastal town.
It was an excellent Twelfth of July and our gratitude goes to the Worshipful Master of Moyarget L.O.L. 1196, Brother John McGregor, the Lodge Brethren and the outstanding Silver Plains Flute Band – a day which will live long in the memory.,

As Moyarget Chosen Few Loyal Orange Lodge 1196, enter 2024, their 200th Anniversary year, the Worshipful Master Brother John McGregor has produced a commemorative book to mark the event.
It is full of detail celebrating the Lodge’s rich history, and contains photos of warrants, certificates, long passed members and banners, days of celebration and days of sorrow. The 200 pages also contain background information on the Williamite Wars in Ireland and the formation and early days of the Orange Institution.
The book is an excellent read and great value for money – if you are interested in purchasing a copy, search for Moyarget L.O.L. 1196 on Facebook, or alternatively send us an email (see our Contact Us page) and we will assist you in obtaining a copy.